Call Center

This feature allows users to manage calls, view call reports, and measure work efficiency.

Make a phone call

On Pop-up window

Step 1: In the top right corner, click the green phone icon to toggle the call-receiving status on/off.

Step 2: On the right side of the green phone icon, click the grey phone icon to open the mini Outbound Call Center, where users can search for customers by name, phone number, and email.

Step 3: There are 3 ways to make a phone call:

  • Click on a customer name to open Profile Details → click “Call now.”
  • Click the gray phone icon next to the Profile Name on the customer list.
  • On the Email Verifier interface, click on the phone number of the Profile you need to contact, then click Call.

On a detailed Identified Profile Interface

Below the profile picture and name, click the “Contact” button > via phone Call to open the Call Center Pop-up.

On the Call Management Interface

Click on the phone number of the customer you want to contact to open the Call center Pop-up.

Receive a phone call

On the system, the call dialogue pop-up appears when there is an incoming call. It offers two options: Answer or Decline.

Forward a phone call

During an ongoing call, users can forward the call by clicking “Forward” on the call pop-up and selecting the team to forward the call.

The features on the call pop-up window

Minimize the call pop-up

Users can minimize the pop-up to perform other tasks on the Mobio interface while calling a customer.

Minimize button
Minimized pop-up
The minimized pop-up can be dragged and dropped to any desired position on the screen.

Block a contact

Click on the horizontal three-dot icon > Block Contact on the call pop-up.

Note: If a profile is block on the call pop-up

  • The profile cannot make a phone call to the Call Center from the blocked number.
  • The blocked information will be added to the blacklist and removed from the Profile.
  • The blocked information will be removed from other profiles (in cases those profiles share the blocked information).

Select the calling device.

On the call pop-up, users can select to Call via Browser or IP Phone (if the IP phone is integrated into Mobio).

Send an SMS

Users can send SMS messages to profiles with phone numbers.

On the call pop-up, below the “Call now” button, select “Contact via” → “Send SMS.

On the call pop-up, next to the “Contact via” button, users can press buttons to perform the following actions:

  • Create New Opportunity
  • Create Ticket
  • Leave a Note
  • Create Task.

Create an oppty

Step 1: Click “Create New Oppty

Step 2: Fill in the information on the Create New Oppty pop-up

Step 3: Click “Save” to create and attach the oppty to the Profile.

Create a ticket

Step 1: Click “Create Ticket

Step 2: Fill in the information on the Add New Ticket pop-up

Step 3: Click “Save” to create and attach the ticket to the Profile.

Features on the Call Management Interface

Create a ticket

On the Call Management interface, click on the vertical three-dot symbol → select “Create ticket.”

Change a call status

This function helps users change the processing status of missed calls, including: Successful redial and Unsuccessful redial.

On the Call Management interface, click on the vertical three-dot symbol → select Modify the call processing status, and choose either Successful Redial or Unsuccessful Redial

After changing the status, the information will be updated in the “Dialing status” column.

Listen to recorded calls.

Trỏ chuột vào đoạn hội thoại có trạng thái Đã nghe → chọn Nghe ghi âm hiển thị cửa sổ popup để nghe đoạn hội thoại.

Download call recordings

  • Hover over the conversation with the status “Answered” → click on the vertical three-dot symbol → select “Download the recorded file.”
  • Or hover over the conversation with the status “Answered” → On the popup window, select “Download the recorded file.”

Filter call report

Users can filter calls by Agents, Call Center, Incoming call status, or Duration on the Call Management interface.

Export call report

On the Call Management interface, select the Inbound call or Outbound call tab → click on the export file icon (located next to the filter icon) to export the Incoming or Outgoing call report.

  • If the report has fewer than 1000 calls, it will be directly downloaded to the user’s computer.
  • If the report has more than 1000 calls, it will be sent to the email associated with the user’s account.
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