Filter and Export tickets

Ticket filters support users in quickly and easily searching for tickets through various dynamic fields.

Ticket filtering supports users in quickly and easily searching for tickets. Ticket filters are divided into 4 categories:

  • Highlight information: Ticket type, Priority level, Ticket name, Priority level
  • General information: Ticket code, Ticket update time, Ticket completion time
  • Ticket-related information: Ticket creation type, Ticket type, Product code/Product category
  • Custom group: includes dynamic filters.

Filter tickets

Step 1: Click the filter icon at the top right corner to show the filter pop-up.

Step 2: On the filter pop-up, select one or many filters.

Step 3: Click “Apply“.

Note: After filtering, users may not see the column of data according to the selected filtering criteria. Therefore, users should configure to display that field by clicking + Select displayed information.

Export tickets

Users can export the filtered ticket list to a .xlsx file by selecting the Export file icon (located on the far right of the toolbar, above the ticket list) → choose Export file.

Note: For ticket quantities below 10.000, the file is exported directly to the user’s computer. For quantities above 10.000, the exported file is sent to the user’s email.

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