When importing Profiles to CDP, do I need to pay attention to anything?

Import with Excel file

When importing Profiles using Excel file, user should note the following requirements:

  • The uploaded file only allows the xlsx format.
  • The first line should be the name of the information field.
  • Each column must be formatted correctly (e.g., if the format is Text, the whole column must be set to Text).
  • Each cell has 1 value (e.g. 1 cell cannot fill in 2 emails, 2 phone numbers).
  • For the date of birth field, it is necessary to create the correct format dd/mm/yyyy on the file.
  • The following cases will not record phone numbers: Phone numbers with spaces
  • The system is currently receiving and processing xlsx import files. Users can convert CSV files to xlsx files to import into the system.
  • If the imported excel file contains many sheets, users need to divide the sheets into separate excel files and import them into Mobio.
  • The system allows uploads with a maximum capacity of 60MB.

* Please refer to the sample import file in the following link: See import file template

Import by Copy & Paste Data

When, importing Profiles by pasting data, user should note the following requirements:

  • If typing is done manually, the fields need to be spaced apart by the Tab key.
  • To begin a new line, and enter information for the next profile, users press the Enter key.
  • In addition to manually typing information, users can copy and paste data from another list to the system.
  • Users should only create 1000 Profiles or less when using this feature.
  • The phone number of the profile can be recorded with cases where the prefix contains +84, 84, 0 or the prefix is missing the number 0 (e.g. +84912345678, 84912345678, 0912345678, 912345678).
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