Tier Program

This is a policy that segments customers based on their interaction with the business, thereby offering special incentives and treatments. Implementing this form is relatively complicated, but it brings great effectiveness to the brand.

Access Tier program

When meeting specific conditions, customers will be upgraded to the membership card tier with specific benefits according to the membership policy of the business.

On the side menu bar, select Tier program.

Tier program interface

Add a new membership card tier

Step 1: Select + New membership card tier.

Step 2: Fill in general information: card tier name, condition for reaching card tier, condition for maintaining card tier, membership card code type, membership card approval type, description.

Step 3: Upload sample card image, photo size ≤ 1MB

Step 4: Turn the switch button to green to turn on the display status

Step 5: Click Save.

  • Condition for reaching the card tier: The minimum number of Points Profiles need to accumulate to own the card. When it is time to consider upgrading the card tier, if Profiles accumulate enough points, it will be upgraded to the corresponding card tier.
  • Condition for maintaining card tier: The minimum number of points Profiles need to maintain card tier and not be downgraded to a lower card tier. When it is time to consider maintaining/downgrading card tier, if Profiles do not accumulate enough points, they will be downgraded.

  • Get from the common card code store: 
    Apply when you want to use your own card code list. The common code store is only used for card tiers, which have the configuration to get codes from this store.
  • Get from separate card code store: Apply when you want to use your own card code list. Separate code store is only used for card tiers, which have the configuration to get codes from this store.

If you want to edit a card tier conditions → Click to the card tier you want to edit → Click Quick Edit.

Turn on/off the green switch bar to allow card class to be displayed/disabled.


– The card tier after being disabled, will at the same time be removed from all accumulated point policy.

– The card tier after being displayed,  will at the same time being added to accumulated point policy.

Interface after creating a new Card Tier

Membership tier policy

Display policy information on card tier upgrade and downgrade after it has been configured in the Membership tier menu.

Policy interface for upgrading and downgrading card tier

To configure the Membership card policy, click Edit.

After the configuration is complete, click Save.

Policy interface to upgrade, downgrade, maintain Card Tier

Upgrade card tier policy

a) Card tier upgrade review time

  • As soon as the tier conditions are met to reach the card level.
  • Monthly, on the specified day (If there is no selected date in the month, the default date for review and adjustment is the last day of the month) e.g. 31st
  • Quarterly,  on the specified date in the first month of the quarter (If there is no date selected in the first month of the quarter, the default date for review and adjustment is the last day of the month) Example: 31st
  • Every year, on the specified date

b) Ranking score after upgrading tier:

  • Accumulated points are valid at the time of card upgrade (the number of points remaining at the time of card tier adjustment).
  • Converts to a value of 0.

c) Consumption points after upgrading tier:

  • Accumulated points are valid at the time of card upgrade (the number of points remaining at the time of card tier adjustment).
  • Converts to a value of 0.

Maintain/downgrade tier level policy

a) Card tire maintain/downgrade review time:

  • Every month, on the specified date (If there is no selected date in the month, the default date for review and adjustment is the last day of the month) e.g. 31st
  • 1st of every quarter, on the day specified in the first month of the quarter (If there is no date selected in the first month of the quarter, the default date for review and adjustment is the last day of the month) Example: 31st
  • Every year, on the specified date.

b) Ranking points after downgrading tier:

  • Accumulated points are valid at the time of downgrading tier(the number of points remaining at the time of card tier adjustment).
  • Converts to a value of 0.

c) Consumption points after downgrading tier:

  • Accumulated points are valid at the time of downgrading tier (the number of points remaining at the time of card tier adjustment).
  • Converts to a value of 0.
Interface after configuring the policy to upgrade, downgrade, and maintain the Card Tier
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