Voucher Report

Voucher Report provides users with an overview and effectiveness insights from voucher distribution channels through key metrics: voucher codes (issued, redeemed), redemption rate, and revenue generated.

On the side menu, select Statistics ➡ choose Voucher Report ➡ The interface will display.

Step 1: Filter by Brand/Processing status/Category

➡ The screen display a list of vouchers belonging to the selected Brand/Processing status/Voucher code issued and Use rate.

Step 2: Hover over a voucher to View report/View voucher details.

Step 3: Select View Report ➡ The screen will display the General Report including an Overview and Performance of voucher issuance channels.

  • Rate of voucher codes used.
  • Rate of Profiles using voucher code.
  • Revenue from voucher program.
  • Voucher codes issued and used over time.
  • Profiles received and used voucher codes over time.
The interface of the general report

Performance of voucher issuance channels:

The report displays the effectiveness of 2 channels: Journey Builder, Loyalty, up to the time of viewing the report, across 4 metrics:

  • Voucher code issued.
  • Voucher code used.
  • Use rate.
  • Revenue.

Step 4: Select View Voucher Details or choose Detailed Report in the top right corner of the screen.

Users select filters to view detailed reports.

  • Voucher code status
  • Release channel
  • Release time.
  • Validity period.
Interface of the detailed report

The voucher code statuses in the system are:

  • Unused: The voucher code has been issued to the customer and is still valid.
  • Used: The voucher code has been successfully redeemed by the customer.
  • Expired: The voucher code has not been used by the customer and has expired.
  • Not available: The voucher code has been used by the customer and is in the process of order fulfillment. If the order is successful, it will be changed to the Used status.
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