Voucher Program

Voucher Program allows businesses to send incentives to customers on special events. This is a common and effective form of loyalty program to stimulate customers to purchase.

On the Side menu bar in the bottom left corner of the screen, select Operation CDP → Select Company Account.

On the left side menu of the interface, select Loyalty policy Voucher Program

Interface screen of Voucher Program

Step 1: Enter a value frame in 1 offer level.

Step 2: Select the suitable voucher for that offer (if you don’t have a voucher to apply the policy yet, refer to the Voucher instruction to create a new voucher).

Step 3: Click Save.

Note: It is possible to configure multiple offer levels, and the invoice value in the offer levels must not overlap with each other.
For example, if the invoice value the offer 1 is from VND 100,000 to VND 2,000,000, the offer 2 must have a minimum invoice value being equal or above VND 2,000,000.

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